Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal for Quranic Research and Studies

Publication Terms and Conditions

The Journal welcomes the original academic researches according to the following conditions:

1. The journal publishes original scientific research in the field of the Holy Qur’an that follow the methodology and steps of scientific research that are internationally recognized and written in Arabic.

2. The original copy of the printed research on (A4) paper should be submitted along with a compact disc (CD), with a limit of (4,000-10,000) words, in Simpelified Arabic script, provided that the pages are numbered sequentially.

3.Submitting a summary of the research in Arabic, and another in English, each within the limits of a separate page, provided that this contains the title of the research, and the summary is up to (350) words.

4.. The first page of the research should contain the name and address of the researcher, employer (in both Arabic and English), phone number and e-mail, taking into account that the name of the researcher or any reference to that is not mentioned in the body of the research.

5.All sources are referred to by the margin numbers that are published at the end of the research and should be electronic following the scientific principles in documentation and reference, and taking into account mentioning the name of the book and the page number.

6.The research is provided with a list of separated sources from the footnotes, and in the case of foreign sources, a list of them is added separately from the list of Arab sources, and the alphabetical order of the names of books or researches in journals, or the names of authors, is taken into consideration.

7.Tables, pictures, and paintings are printed on separate sheets, and the sources are indicated at the bottom of the figure, specifying the places where they appear in the text.

8.Attach a copy of the scientific biography if the researcher is cooperating with the journal for the first time, and he must indicate whether the research was presented to a conference or symposium, and that it was not published as part of their work, and he has also to mention the name of any scientific or non-scientific body that funded or presented an assistant in its preparation.

9.That the research has not been published previously, and has not been submitted to any other publishing medium, and the researcher must submit an independent undertaking about that.

10.All ideas published in the journal express the opinions of their authors, and do not necessarily express the point of view of the issuing authority. The arrangement of the published research is subject to technical requirements.

11.The received researches are subject to the Turnitin Program.

12.Research is subject to a confidential evaluation to indicate its validity for publication, and research is not returned to its author, whether it is accepted for publication or not, according to the following procedures:

               a.The researcher shall be notified of receiving the material sent for publication within a maximum period of two weeks from the date of receiving.

               b.The authors of research accepted for publication shall be notified of the editorial board’s approval of its publication and the expected date of its publication.

               c.Research that the evaluators deem necessary to make modifications or additions to it before publishing it is returned to its authors, with specific notes, so that                they work on preparing it finally for publication.

               d.The authors of the rejected research papers will be notified without the necessity of giving them the reasons of the rejection.

               e.Each researcher is given one copy of the issue in which his research was published.

13.What shall be taken into account regarding the priority of publication are:

               (a)Participating researches in conferences held by the issuing authority.

               (b) The date the editor-in-chief received the research.

               (c) The date of submission of the revised research.

               (d) Diversifying research fields whenever possible.

14. The researcher may not request that his research not be published after submitting it to the editorial board, except for reasons the editorial board is convinced of, provided that it is within a period of two weeks from the date of receiving his research.

15. The journal has the right to translate the research published in the issues of the journal into other languages, without referring to the researcher.

16. Research is sent on the website of the refereed journal, by filling out the research submission form, or it is delivered directly to the headquarter of the journal in the following address: Iraq, Holy Karbala.

17. Ordering the sources shall be according to the Chicago format.